Why write

Distributing an application is not an end in itself. Distributed applications introduce a whole new kind of design and deployment issues. For this added complexity to be worthwhile, there has to be a significant payback.

Some applications are inherently distributed: multiuser games, chat and teleconferencing applications are examples of such applications. For these, the benefits of a robust infrastructure for distributed computing are obvious.

Many other applications are also distributed, in the sense that they have at least two components running on different machines. But because these applications were not designed to be distributed, they are limited in scalability and ease of deployment. Any kind of workflow or groupware application, most client/server applications, and even some desktop productivity applications essentially control the way their users communicate and cooperate. Thinking of these applications as distributed applications and running the right components in the right places benefits the user and optimizes the use of network and computer resources. The application designed with distribution in mind can accommodate different clients with different capabilities by running components on the client side when possible and running them on the server side when necessary.

Designing applications for distribution gives the system manager a great deal of flexibility in deployment.

Distributed applications are also much more scalable than their monolithic counterparts. If all the logic of a complex application is contained in a single module, there is only one way to increase the throughput without tuning the application itself: faster hardware. Today's servers and operating systems scale very well but it is often cheaper to buy another identical machine than to upgrade to a server that is twice as fast. With a properly designed distributed application, a single server can start out running all the components. When the load increases, some of the components can be deployed to additional lower-cost machines.