
Network connections are inherently more fragile than connections inside a machine. Components in a distributed application need to be notified if a client is not active anymore, even—or especially—in the case of a network or hardware failure.

DCOM manages connections to components that are dedicated to a single client, as well as components that are shared by multiple clients, by maintaining a reference count on each component. When a client establishes a connection to a component, DCOM increments the component's reference count. When the client releases its connection, DCOM decrements the component's reference count. If the count reaches zero, the component can free itself.

DCOM uses an efficient pinging protocol (see section 0 "Shared Connection Management Between Applications") to detect if clients are still active. Client machines send a periodic message. DCOM considers a connection as broken if more than three ping periods pass without the component receiving a ping message. If the connection is broken, DCOM decrements the reference count and releases the component if the count has reached zero. From the point of view of the component, both the benign case of a client disconnecting and the fatal case of a network or client machine crash are handled by the same reference counting mechanism. Applications can use this distributed garbage collection mechanism for free.

In many cases, the flow of information between a component and its clients is not unidirectional: the component needs to initiate some operation on the client side, such as a notification that a lengthy process has finished, the update of data the user is viewing (news ticker or stock ticker), or the next message in a collaborative environment like teleconferencing or a multiuser game. Many protocols make it difficult to implement this kind of symmetric communication. With DCOM, any component can be both a provider and a consumer of functionality. The same mechanism and features manage communication in both directions, making it easy to implement peer-to-peer communication, as well as client/ server interactions.

DCOM provides a robust distributed garbage collection mechanism that is completely transparent to the application. DCOM is a inherently symmetric network protocol and programming model. Not only does it offer the traditional unidirectional client-server interaction, but it also provides rich, interactive communication between clients and servers and among peers.