Running Scripts
Using the Windows-based Scripting Host

There are three ways to run scripts under windows using WSH. You can:

When you run scripts from WSCRIPT.EXE, you can select the Always Use the Windows Scripting Host to open this file check box and set properties on the WSH Properties page.

When you run a script and the Always Use the Windows Scripting Host to open this file check box is selected, WSCRIPT.EXE is registered as the default application to run files with the extension of the script you are running. For example, if you select the check box when you run CHART.VBS, WSCRIPT.EXE becomes the default application for all files with the .VBS extension. This check box functions identically to the CSCRIPT.EXE //C switch.

The WSH Properties page provides the following options:


Use to…

CSCRIPT.EXE equivalent

Register common script extensions

Re-register the well known script extensions (.VBS, .JS, .TCL, ) by searching for well known registered script engines.


Stop script after nn seconds

Specify a maximum number of seconds that a script may run. (The default is no limit.)


By default, run scripts in the following mode:

Suppress or enable all non-command line console UI requests from the script. Interactive allows non-command line console UI requests, Batch does not.

//I & //B