
This document provides a cornucopia of tips and tricks for making your DAO code as fast as possible. While the code samples are written and tested in Microsoft® Access 2.0, almost all of them apply equally to Microsoft Visual Basic®.

In studying the samples, it is important to keep the following in mind:

A common thread emerges from a close study of the examples given. Having a good understanding of the differences between tables, dynasets and snapshots is a great start to correctly predicting the performance characteristics of a given situation. This is particularly critical for working with ODBC data sources.

An equally important lesson to learn from the examples, is that when processing data, the time spent retrieving and updating data almost totally overwhelms other speed concerns. For example, it quickly became clear while preparing this presentation, that issues of, say, using a Variant data type instead of a String data type, become almost irrelevant if a field is being fetched in the same loop. This is not to say that data retrieval is particularly slow, but just that anything involving a disk drive (or even a disk cache) is at least an order of magnitude slower than doing an in-memory bit test to determine the sub-type of a variant. In short, it is far better to worry about tuning an OpenRecordset statement or pre-assigning Field objects before entering a loop, than deciding whether to Dim variables as String or Variant.

Finally, the single most important thing learnt from preparing this paper was that all the predictions and postulations about how fast a particular operation will be don't mean anything until you actual measure the speed! In their initial form, several of the tips below proved to be totally wrong. The lesson to take away is that, until you test your speed improvements in a real environment, you can't be sure of anything!