Subform Wizard

The following sections present detailed information on building a simple Add-in—a Property Builder that helps users set a subform's LinkChildField and LinkMasterField. Microsoft Access does this automatically if there is a relationship between the underlying columns, or if there is an exact name match. However, when neither of these conditions are met, users have to manually fill in the names.

Since the Subform Wizard is a Property Builder, the first step to coding it is to create its entry point. Below we have included the declaration of the Subform Wizard's entry point. We will add code to the entry point as we proceed.

Function SF_EntryChild (stObjName As String, stCtlName As String, stCurVal As String) As String
' ROUTINE: SF_EntryChild
' PARAMETERS: stObjName - Name of form the user is working with
'             stCtlName - Name of the subform control
'             stCurVal - Current value of the property
' RETURN VALUE: Child field of subform link
' Entry point for the Subform Wizard.
End Function