Property Wizards entries also have five parts. The first is a name that uniquely identifies your Wizard to Microsoft Access; it is never displayed in the UI. The second is the name of the property that the Wizard modifies. Any property appearing in any property sheet can have a Wizard. The third parameter is that name displayed in the Choose Which Builder dialog box that comes up whenever more that one Wizard is registered for a particular property. The fourth parameter is the name of the Access Basic function that is called to launch the Wizard. The last parameter is either w, or rw. W means that the wizard is write-only. WR means that the Wizard will read in, modify, and write out existing value of a property. Here's the .INI file entry for the Input Mask Wizard:
[Property Wizards] MSInputMaskWizard=InputMask, Input Mask Wizard, IM_ENTRY, rw
When Microsoft Access launches a Property Wizard, it passes in three input parameters. The first is the name of the object being edited. The second is the name of the control being edited. The third contains the current value of the property being modified. Property Wizards return one value: the new value of the property. The input parameters and the return value are typed as strings. Here's the declaration for the entry function of the Input Mask Property Wizard:
Function IMEntry (stObjName As String, stCtlName As String, stCurVal As String) As String