Customizing the Table Wizard

The Table Wizard that ships in Microsoft Access 2.0 allows the user to create new tables and fields based on samples. When the user creates a table with the Table Wizard, the fields that he chooses are created with many properties preset, including Name, Caption, Format, Input Mask, Fieldsize, etc. The samples are stored in a database in the Access directory named WIZDAT.MDT. If your corporation has established standards for field naming conventions and data typing conventions, you can customize this database to match your standards. You can edit the sample fields in this database, or you can create an entirely new database of sample fields and tables. To do this, copy WIZDAT.MDT to a new file name. Replace the data with sample tables and fields of your own choosing. Then in the Microsoft Access .INI file, MSACC20.INI, replace the standard entry:

[Table Wizard Data Files]
wztbldat.mdt=Standard MS Sample Fields 

with your own data file:

mydat.mdt=My Custom Sample Fields 

When the Table Wizard launches, if it has more than one data file, it will ask the user which database of sample field names to use.