
Under the new Microsoft pricing policy for Windows NT Server, SQL Server, SNA Server, Systems Management Server and BackOffice (and eventually Exchange), servers and clients are licensed independently.

These two licenses are :

This model has a number of advantages, including:

1. It greatly simplifies license administration in a complex network environment. Previous licensing schemes varied by product, and did not scale evenly to various numbers of clients and servers.

2. It allows administrators to purchase only those licenses they need, to adjust these flexibly, and to combine licenses when appropriate to achieve (through product licenses such as Microsoft BackOffice) even greater savings.

3. Once a client is licensed, it can access any and all servers on the network without additional charges

4. It is cost effective to add additional servers because there is no need to re-license user capacity. Implementing the second (or third, or fourth) client-server application becomes extremely cost-effective; the only software cost becomes the cost of the server