We've covered a lot of information here about using different aspects of mail within your application. Techniques range from using built-in Microsoft Access functions to writing your own mail processing routines. This is meant as a quick-fix introduction to working with mail in your application. You'll need to experiment by sending different types of messages, to different types of recipients (on and off your native post office system) to become familiar with how you'll need to implement your specific solution.
Additional resources that you may want to consider include the Microsoft Access forums on CompuServe®, always a great source of Peer-level assistance. To access the forum, Go MSACCESS at the "!" prompt.
You can also find a more in depth, example-driven discussion about mail and your Microsoft Access application from the book, "The Revolutionary Guide to Microsoft Access," available from WROX Press.
Most of all, approach your application with an eye toward a possibly different solution to the sharing of information. You now have the ability to share across physical boundaries, your applications can send and receive information in a way that offers new and powerful options to your users.
Experiment with the technology and with Microsoft Access. The libraries included with the session materials will provide your modules with a good starting point. You'll be sending mail messages with the best of them in no time!