How It Works

The routine to create and mail reports is called Main and is contained in the Reports module. The relevant code is described as follows.

Log on to MAPI

    'Result = MAPILogon(0, "", "", MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, gSession)
    'If Result <> SUCCESS_SUCCESS Then Exit Sub

Create a report and output to Microsoft Excel format

    DoCmd OutputTo A_REPORT, "Project Summary", A_FORMATXLS,     "C:\~TEMP.XLS"

Initialize MAPI variables

        ReDim gRecipients(0)
        ReDim gFiles(0)
        gMessage.RecipCount = 1
        gMessage.FileCount = 1

Specify the Microsoft Excel file attachment

        gFiles(0).Reserved = 0
        gFiles(0).Flags = 0
        gFiles(0).Position = 0
        gFiles(0).pathname = "c:\~temp.xls"
        gFiles(0).filename = "Reports.xls"
        gFiles(0).FileType = ""

Specify the Recipient (manager)

        gRecipients(0).Name = rs("Manager")
        gRecipients(0).RecipClass = MAPI_TO

Specify the Subject (NoteText is set to one space so the space can be replaced with the file attachment)

        gMessage.Subject = "Weekly Report"
        gMessage.NoteText = " "

Send the message by calling MAPISendMail

        Result = MAPISendMail(gSession, 0, gMessage,                         gRecipients(0), gFiles(0), 0, 0)

Log off MAPI

Result = MAPILogoff(gSession, 0, 0, 0)