Remote Accounts

Remote accounts allow for greater access in mixed Microsoft Windows NT domains and LAN Manager environments. First, it allows users from other Microsoft Windows NT domains (trusted) to gain access to resources on LAN Manager servers in a domain. It allows users whose home domain is a LAN Manager domain to gain access to resources in this domain. Remote accounts can participate in global groups, however, they are not part of the trust relationship. This means that the remote access user ID must be defined in each domain that contains resources it wishes to access.

To grant privilege to a file on a LAN Manager 2.x server within a Microsoft Windows NT domain to a user in a trusted domain, a remote account for that user is first created in the domain containing the LAN Manager 2.x server. The remote account is then placed in a global group (this is optional but makes migration to an all-Windows NT environment easier later on). The file permission is then granted to the global group.

To grant privilege to a file on a Microsoft Windows NT server in a Microsoft Windows NT domain to a user defined in a LAN Manager 2.x domain, a remote account for that user is first created in the Microsoft Windows NT domain. The remote account is then placed in a local group (this is optional but makes migration to an all Microsoft Windows NT environment easier later on). Then the privilege to the file is granted to the local group.