The CreatePIVOTTable Function

When you click the Show button on the Pivot toolbar, the application runs the CreatePIVOTTable function, which creates a Microsoft Excel pivot table. The CreatePIVOTTable function (shown below) performs six main tasks:

objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open strAddInPath
objExcelApp.Run "MakePivotTable"
objExcelApp.Workbooks("PIVOT.XLA").[Close] False

Function CreatePIVOTTable ()
    On Error GoTo PIVOTError

'Return value of IsCurDBExclusive function.
    Dim intIsExclusive As Integer

'Message for message box.
    Dim msg As String

'Is PIVOT.MDB open for shared access?
'Call IsCurDBExclusive function to find out...
    intIsExclusive = IsCurDBExclusive()
    Select Case intIsExclusive
    Case 0

'Do nothing.
    Case -1
        msg = "This database is open for exclusive access. To "
        msg = msg & "create a pivot table, close the database, "
        msg = msg & "then re-open it for shared access."
        MsgBox msg, 48, "PIVOT"
        Exit Function
    Case Else
        Error intIsExclusive
    End Select

'Note that this function uses Microsoft Excel intrinsic constants
'(declared globally) to manage window state. You must
'declare all such constants to use them via OLE automation.

'Object variable for PIVOT.MDB.
    Dim DB As Database

'Full path for PIVOT.MDB.
    Dim strAppPath As String

'Full path for PIVOT.XLA.
    Dim strAddInPath As String

'Microsoft Excel worksheet containing pivot table.
    Dim objPIVOTSheet As Object

'Status indicator form and label control.
    Dim frmInvStatus As Form, lblWhatGoesOn As Control

'Path for PIVOT.XLA.
    Dim strAddInName As String

'Get the full path for PIVOT.MDB.
    Set DB = DBEngine(0)(0)
    strAppPath = DB.Name

'Call sub to verify database path in connection string.
    CheckConnect strAppPath

'Verify that PIVOT.XLA is in same directory as PIVOT.MDB.
'If it isn't, the Dir$ function returns an empty string and
'the application displays a message box with instructions.
    strAddInPath = ExtractPath(strAppPath) & "PIVOT.XLA"
        strAddInName = Dir$(strAddInPath)
        If strAddInName <> "" Then
            Exit Do
            If MsgBox("Can't find PIVOT.XLA. To continue, switch 
to File Manager and move PIVOT.XLA to " &
ExtractPath(strAppPath) & ", and then return and
click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.", 49, "PIVOT")
= 2 Then Exit Function End If End If Loop 'Handles status indicator form. DoCmd OpenForm "Inventory Status", A_NORMAL, , , A_READONLY,
A_NORMAL Set frmInvStatus = Forms("Inventory Status") Set lblWhatGoesOn = frmInvStatus!StatusInfo 'Get a Microsoft Excel application object. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Opening Microsoft Excel..." frmInvStatus.Repaint 'If Microsoft Excel isn't open, this generates error 2713. Set objExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") fCloseExcel = False ExcelOpened: 'Record Microsoft Excel's display settings. ClosePIVOTTable restores 'these settings. If Microsoft Excel is minimized, it will be restored 'to its state prior to minimization. ExcelAppState = objExcelApp.WindowState fMinimized = False If ExcelAppState = xlMinimized Then fMinimized = True objExcelApp.WindowState = xlNormal ExcelAppState = objExcelApp.WindowState End If ExcelLeft = objExcelApp.Left ExcelTop = objExcelApp.Top ExcelWidth = objExcelApp.Width ExcelHeight = objExcelApp.Height PIVOTToolbarState = objExcelApp.Toolbars("Query and
PIVOT").Visible 'Set the size and position of Microsoft Excel's application window. objExcelApp.WindowState = xlNormal objExcelApp.Left = 46 objExcelApp.Top = 90 objExcelApp.Width = 398 objExcelApp.Height = 203 objExcelApp.Toolbars("Query and PIVOT").Visible = True 'Create a new workbook. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Creating new workbook..." frmInvStatus.Repaint objExcelApp.ScreenUpdating = False objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add Set objWorkbook = objExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook 'Add a new worksheet to the workbook. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Adding new worksheet..." frmInvStatus.Repaint Set objPIVOTSheet = objWorkbook.ActiveSheet objPIVOTSheet.Name = "Inventory" 'Record current window state, and then maximize it. ExcelCurrWindowState = objExcelApp.ActiveWindow.WindowState objExcelApp.ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized 'Open PIVOT.XLA. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Opening PIVOT.XLA..." frmInvStatus.Repaint objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open strAddInPath 'Call the MakePIVOTTable macro in PIVOT.XLA. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Creating PIVOT table (this can take a
while)..." frmInvStatus.Repaint objExcelApp.Run "MakePIVOTTable" 'Close PIVOT.XLA. objExcelApp.Workbooks("PIVOT.XLA").[Close] False 'Display worksheet with the pivot table. lblWhatGoesOn.Caption = "Displaying Microsoft Excel..." frmInvStatus.Repaint objExcelApp.ScreenUpdating = True objExcelApp.Visible = True 'Set the focus to Microsoft Excel. hExcel = FindWindow("XLMAIN", ByVal 0&) hAccess = SetFocusAPI(hExcel) PIVOTExit: 'Close the status indicator form. DoCmd Close A_FORM, "Inventory Status" Exit Function PIVOTError: 'If Microsoft Excel isn't open when the GetObject function is called, 'this error occurs. Launch Microsoft Excel, then resume execution. If Err = 2713 Then Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Err = 0 fCloseExcel = True Resume ExcelOpened 'Notify users, clear object variables, and then exit. Else Select Case Err 'This error occurs if Microsoft Excel returns an error. Case 2763 MsgBox "Error in Microsoft Excel: " & Error$ Case Else MsgBox Str$(Err) & ": " & Error$ End Select Set objPIVOTSheet = Nothing Set objWorkbook = Nothing Set objExcelApp = Nothing DoCmd Close A_FORM, "Inventory Status" Exit Function End If Resume PIVOTExit End Function