Class Type

The Class Type combo box is used to select or enter a specific class type to filter specific class types in the class list and is not case-sensitive. When the Class Type combo box is empty, all classes are displayed. Besides an empty selection, other class type selections available include Controls, Custom, Form, Formset, Toolbar, and so forth. A user-defined class names may be entered to filter the class list.

An example user-defined class type might be MsgBox to simply show the MsgBox family class. User-defined class type entries may include wildcard ASCII characters (?, *, and %<text>%) which forces a filter on any wildcard matches. An example using a wildcard class type entry might be msg* which will filter on all classes which start with the letters msg. If the display mode is alphabetical, all classes starting with the letters msg would be displayed.

If the display mode is Hierarchical, all classes starting with the letters msg will only be displayed if the class matches the filter is the top most class in a tree or all parent classes in the tree match. In Hierarchical mode, if a parent class called MyMsgBox existed with a subclass called MsgBox1, then using a filter of msg* would not display either of these classes because any class with a match must also have all of it's parent classes also match. To display all matches regardless of differences in class names within a class tree, use Alphabetical display mode.

Multiple filters may be entered in the combo box by separating with a comma.
