Microsoft Exchange Server Interoperability with Microsoft Mail Server

Presented by: Spyros Sakellariadis
Vice President
Information Technology
Advanced Paradigms, Inc.

Heterogeneous Networks

Microsoft® Mail Server is an excellent local area network (LAN)-based electronic mail system for small to medium-sized organizations. It is reliable, has good throughput, and is easy to install and manage. For smaller organizations, Microsoft Mail can meet all their messaging needs. However, large organizations frequently have requirements in excess of those of smaller organizations, or they have evolved with a number of different messaging products in use in different departments. In these organizations, Microsoft Mail typically is only part of the overall messaging environment. For example, Wang has a heterogeneous environment with several messaging products all interconnected. Figure 1 shows the messaging topology as it currently stands:


Figure 1 Wang email environment

The messaging systems in use at the different departments include Microsoft Mail 3.x, Microsoft Exchange Server client-server messaging and groupware version 5.0, cc:Mail™, VS mail, and various flavors of UNIX® mail. The main reason for this is historical. As the corporation grew and acquired various other companies, each company came with its own flavor of electronic mail. Currently, mail from one user to another may travel as many as 5,000 miles and go through multiple gateways, translating from one format to another. This is a relatively typical scenario in large corporations, and one in which messaging is usually not very efficient.

In a heterogeneous environment such as the one shown in Figure 1, Microsoft Exchange Server can play several key roles. On the one hand, it can provide the gateways between the various other electronic mail systems (for example, between Microsoft Mail and cc:Mail, or between VS mail and the Internet). On the other hand, it can provide an efficient Message Transfer Agent (MTA) for mail traveling within a single mail system (for example, replacing the Microsoft Mail 3.x MTA). Finally, it can play a useful part in a strategy to consolidate and migrate the LAN-based electronic mail systems. At Wang, it plays all three roles.

MS Mail Environment

An environment with Microsoft Mail as a LAN-based messaging system is characterized by the presence of a number of objects:

Postoffices will have anywhere from 0 to 500 users, with an average of 250 users, installed on them.

In Microsoft Mail 3.x, these gateways are also MS-DOS-based programs that run single sessions on 80486 computers.

Any Microsoft Mail network must include at least one postoffice. If it includes more than one postoffice, it must have the MTA or MMTA running to deliver interpostoffice mail, and Dir.Synch. running to compile a complete address list. Gateways are only needed if the users on the Microsoft Mail system need to communicate with users on foreign systems such as the Internet or X.400 message systems.

MS Mail Limitations

Microsoft Mail 3.x has a number of limitations. These are primarily due to the inherent limitations of any LAN-based electronic mail system that relies on a Shared File System (SFS). The limitations fall into several distinct categories:

Typical MS Mail Network

To discuss how Microsoft Exchange Server can be used in a Microsoft Mail 3.x environment, it helps to start with a typical and pure Microsoft Mail network. Figure 2 shows such a network:


Figure 2 Basic MS Mail Network

In this example, two networks are connected through a telecommunications link. Each network has several postoffices, with perhaps 200 hundred users per postoffice. Each network has an MTA, delivering mail between users on its postoffices, and to the other network. The Patmos network has a system running Directory Synchronization (Dispatch.exe) for the entire organization, and the Athens network has both an SMTP and a X.400 gateway for mail delivery to the Internet and a public X.25 network. This topology is relatively typical of small to medium-sized companies standardized on Microsoft Mail.

Normal Optimization Tricks

As the organization grows, the mail system tends to get used more heavily, as more messages are flowing from more users. This puts a strain on the pure Microsoft Mail network, and the administrator(s) of the mail system need to increase the throughput of the system. There are many optimization tricks that are well documented in the Microsoft manuals and publications. Some of the more important tricks follow:

Performance Limitations

Ultimately, however, performance of the LAN-based electronic mail system is limited. In a large measure, this is due to three factors:

The throughput of the various MS-DOS-based programs that make up the interpostoffice delivery mechanisms is finite and limited. Since MS-DOS-based programs do not scale particularly well, these problems are not easily addressed within a pure Microsoft Mail 3.x system, and you need to look at replacing the delivery processes with ones that do scale. This is when you use Microsoft Exchange Server. Even if a corporation does not plan to migrate its users to Microsoft Exchange Server, it can replace the mail delivery mechanisms with Microsoft Exchange processes. For example, it can choose to:

This replacement can produce significant performance improvements. The following sections describe each of these in more detail.

Exchange PCMTA

Microsoft Exchange Server can integrate into a Microsoft Mail 3.x system using the Microsoft Mail Connector service. The Microsoft Mail postoffices view the Microsoft Exchange Server as just another Microsoft Mail postoffice, and deliver mail to it. In addition, users on the Microsoft Exchange Server system can send mail to users on the Microsoft Mail postoffices. If you assume there are no users on Microsoft Exchange Server, you still can use a Microsoft Exchange Server with the Microsoft Mail Connector to process messages between users on different Microsoft Mail postoffices. In effect, you replace a hub postoffice in the Microsoft Mail network with Microsoft Exchange Server, and replace the MTA (External.exe) with the Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent.

The Microsoft Exchange MTA has many benefits. It is more efficient and processes more messages than either the MS-DOS-based MTA or the OS/2- and Windows NT–based MMTAs, it is more secure, and it has excellent diagnostics and tracking features. In addition, it can be used without converting even one user to Microsoft Exchange, so that it can be dropped into a Microsoft Mail environment without touching the desktops and without the types of studies or anxiety that accompany full migrations of mail systems. Figure 3 shows the mail system in Figure 2, with Microsoft Exchange Server added to the environment:


Figure 3 MS Mail with Exchange Server added

In Figure 3, a couple of postoffices have been eliminated, , and the gateways moved onto one of the Microsoft Exchange Servers. The MTA on both networks has been eliminated as well, and the messages are moved through the system by the Microsoft Exchange Server Message Transfer Agent services on the two servers.

Comparison procedures

To estimate the performance improvement to be gained from replacing any of the Microsoft Mail message delivery mechanisms with Microsoft Exchange Server facilities, it is useful to set up a common procedure:

In the first place, you need to determine before and after scenarios to compare. You want to get a realistic comparison of the performance of the Microsoft Mail and the Microsoft Exchange Server tools by measuring their performance under similar conditions and loads. Once you have determined this, you need to decide on which tools to use to stress and measure the system, use the tools, and analyze the results.

Test Configurations

The first MS-DOS-based element to replace is usually the MTA. A simple configuration for testing the value of this replacement can be seen from comparing the performance of the MS-DOS-based MTA as shown in Figure 4 with the Microsoft Exchange MTA as shown in Figure 5:


Figure 4 Two Post Offices with an MS Mail MTA


Figure 5 Two Post Offices with an Exchange Server MTA

All the users on the network reside on two postoffices, PO1 and PO2; the only thing to change is whether you are using the MS-DOS-based MTA from Microsoft Mail 3.x, or the Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Mail Connector and the Microsoft Exchange Server MTA. In fact this comparison is not completely fair, as the Microsoft Exchange Server here is really another postoffice as well. A fairer comparison would be to use several postoffices of which one was a hub, but that will make the test scenario more complex. This simplified scenario is still adequate to show the performance gain from moving to a Microsoft Exchange Server–based message delivery mechanism.

To analyze the message traffic, you need to produce a certain volume of mail. There are a number of ways of doing this, either by using preexisting tools or by writing your own tool with the application programming interface (API) calls included in the MAPI functionality. You can write a simple MAPI tool with a Visual Basic® programming system application that calls MAPISendDocument() in a loop, which sends a preexisting file to a single recipient on another postoffice. A more sophisticated tool is the Microsoft Exchange Load Simulator, which models a more complex scenario. Once you generate a similar amount and rate of traffic in both models, as shown in Figures 4 and 5, you need to analyze how well the MTAs process the messages. To do this, use the following tools:

The most important tool for the Microsoft Exchange Server is the Windows NT Performance Monitor. This can show you the rate that messages are being processed by the MTA. To measure a similar rate for the Microsoft Mail MTA, you will need to analyze the log files produced in a given amount of time. The easiest way to compare the performance of the two is to increase the load on each until the MTA ceases to be able to process the messages-that is, until the number of messages waiting to be processed by the MTA is growing faster than the MTA can handle. You will find that the Microsoft Exchange MTA can handle many more messages per minute than the MS-DOS-based MTA. In addition, we can increase the power of the hardware on which the Microsoft Exchange Server is running, and significantly increase the throughput of the Microsoft Exchange MTA.

Exchange Internet Mail and X.400 Mail

Just as you can replace the Microsoft Mail MTA with a Microsoft Exchange Server process, you can replace the MS-DOS-based gateways. In particular, you can replace the Microsoft Mail SMTP gateway (Smtpgate.exe) with the Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Service, and the Microsoft Mail X.400 gateway (X400gate.exe) with the Microsoft Exchange Server X.400 Connector. The performance improvements over the Microsoft Mail gateways can be measured in an analogous method exactly to that shown above, and are dramatic. For example, where an organization might be used to processing about 1,000 messages per day through the Microsoft Mail SMTP gateway, a couple of organizations have reported processing in excess of 100,000 messages per day through a single Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Service.


In addition to added performance, the Microsoft Exchange connectors provide many features not available in the Microsoft Mail gateways, such as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) support, diagnostics logging, message tracking, filtering, and so forth. With the release of Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0, there are more connectors, such as the cc:Mail connector, that further enhances a Microsoft Mail network.

In summary, adding Microsoft Exchange Server into a Microsoft Mail network can produce significant performance enhancements through the use of its message delivery mechanisms using the Message Transfer Agent and the Connectors (gateways). In addition to improving performance, adding Microsoft Exchange Server can also give the administrator of the network additional features that were unavailable with the earlier version.

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