transactions Property

See Also      Applies To

Specifies whether Microsoft Transaction Server should consider changes that occur in the page, such as database manipulation or MSMQ message transmission, as transactions.


The settings for the transactions property are:

RequiredSpecifies that database operations are wrapped in a transaction by Microsoft Transaction Server.

Not_SupportedSpecifies that you do not want to use transactions.


This property setting is useful only in ASP pages, and only if you want to use Microsoft Transaction Server as part of Microsoft Internet Information Server.

A transaction is a server operation that succeeds or fails as a whole, even if the operation involves many steps. Transaction processing applies only to database access. Microsoft Transaction Server cannot roll back changes to the file system or changes to other, nontransactional resources.

Set this property to Required if you want the transaction server to wrap database updates in transaction. If you do not, or if your configuration does not support using Microsoft Transaction Server, set this property to Not_Supported.

If you select Required, the editor adds Transaction=required to the @ directive at the the top of the ASP page, as in this example:

<% @ Transaction=required language=VBScript%>

Setting this property to Not_Supported clears the Transaction= attribute.

For more information, see "Creating Transactional Scripts" in the Microsoft Internet Information Server documentation.