Use the filter dropdown to type in a string that constrains the current view. The filter is always applied to the left pane. For example, if you type in "font" in the filter dropdown while classes are displayed, the left pane then only shows classes that contain the word "font." To look for members containing "font", click the Show Members button for the left pane.
By default, the filter is an in-string match.
To apply a new filter
The filter is applied to the content views in the left pane until removed.
To switch to a beginning of word match
The filter is applied to the content views in the left pane until removed.
To remove the applied filter
This removes any text in the Filter dropdown, and updates the contents of the left and right panes appropriately.
All command bar buttons that affect the viewed content affect the left pane only. The "Show Classes", "Show Members" and "View by Package (Library)" directly affect what is being viewed in the left pane. Filtering is applied only on the left pane. Grouping and Sorting is applied to the left pane when the grouped and sorted items are visible in the pane.
The pane’s caption reflects its content. Here are two examples: