Use the following key combinations when the Property list has the focus in the Properties window.
Note You can change or create keyboard shortcuts in Keyboard of the Environment options in the Options dialog box.
To | Press |
Display documentation on the Properties window. | CTRL+F1 |
Close a node in the Property list. | LEFT ARROW or (-) |
Expand a node in the Property list. | RIGHT ARROW or (+) |
Close the Properties window. | SHIFT+ESC |
Expand a node to show all of the items below it in the Property list. | + on the Num Pad |
Collapse a node in the Property list. | - on the Num Pad |
Move down through the Property list, one page at a time. | PAGE DOWN |
Move up through the Property list, one page at a time. | PAGE UP |
Move down through the Property list, one property at a time. | DOWN ARROW |
Move up through the Property list, one property at a time. | UP ARROW |
Move the insertion point among the property, properties settings box, and the Object box. | TAB |
Move to the first property in the list. | HOME |
Move to the last property in the list. | END |
Move to the next property in the list that begins with the alpha character. | CTRL+SHIFT+ALPHA |
Use the following key combinations when the settings box for a property has the focus in the Properties window.
To | Press |
Cancel the changes to the property. | ESC |
Copy the selected text to the Clipboard. | CTRL+C or CTRL+INS |
Cut the selected text and move it to the Clipboard. | CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE |
Delete the selected text without placing it on the Clipboard. | DELETE |
Displays the shortcut menu. | SHIFT+F10 |
Move the focus between the Object box, the active Properties tab, a property, and the property value. | TAB |
Move to the next property that begins with the alpha character, in the list. | CTRL+SHIFT+ALPHA |
Paste the Clipboard contents at the insertion point. | CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT |
Switch focus between the Object box and the active Properties tab. | SHIFT+TAB |
Undo the last editing action. | CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE |