Workspace Object, Workspaces Collection Example

This example creates a new Microsoft Jet Workspace object and a new ODBCDirect Workspace object and appends them to the Workspaces collection. It then enumerates the Workspaces collections and the Properties collection of each Workspace object. See the methods and properties of the Workspace object or Workspaces collection for additional examples.

Sub WorkspaceX()

   Dim wrkNewJet As Workspace
   Dim wrkNewODBC As Workspace
   Dim wrkLoop As Workspace
   Dim prpLoop As Property

   ' Create a new Microsoft Jet workspace.
   Set wrkNewJet = CreateWorkspace("NewJetWorkspace", _
      "admin", "", dbUseJet)
   Workspaces.Append wrkNewJet

   ' Create a new ODBCDirect workspace.
   Set wrkNewODBC = CreateWorkspace("NewODBCWorkspace", _
      "admin", "", dbUseODBC)
   Workspaces.Append wrkNewODBC

   ' Enumerate the Workspaces collection.
   For Each wrkLoop In Workspaces
      With wrkLoop
         Debug.Print "Properties of " & .Name
         ' Enumerate the Properties collection of the new
         ' Workspace object.
         For Each prpLoop In .Properties
            On Error Resume Next
            If prpLoop <> "" Then Debug.Print "  " & _
               prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop
            On Error GoTo 0
         Next prpLoop
      End With
   Next wrkLoop


End Sub