CreateDatabase Method Example

This example uses CreateDatabase to create a new, encrypted Database object.

Sub CreateDatabaseX()

   Dim wrkDefault As Workspace
   Dim dbsNew As DATABASE
   Dim prpLoop As Property

   ' Get default Workspace.
   Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)

   ' Make sure there isn't already a file with the name of 
   ' the new database.
   If Dir("NewDB.mdb") <> "" Then Kill "NewDB.mdb"

   ' Create a new encrypted database with the specified 
   ' collating order.
   Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase("NewDB.mdb", _
      dbLangGeneral, dbEncrypt)

   With dbsNew
      Debug.Print "Properties of " & .Name
      ' Enumerate the Properties collection of the new 
      ' Database object.
      For Each prpLoop In .Properties
         If prpLoop <> "" Then Debug.Print "  " & _
            prpLoop.Name & " = " & prpLoop
      Next prpLoop
   End With


End Sub