DefaultCursorDriver Property

   Example   Applies To   

Sets or returns the type of cursor driver used on the connection created by the OpenConnection or OpenDatabase methods (ODBCDirect workspaces only).

Settings And Return Values

The setting or return value is a Long that can be set to one of the following constants:

Constant Description
dbUseDefaultCursor (Default) Uses server-side cursors if the server supports them; otherwise use the ODBC Cursor Library.
dbUseODBCCursor Always uses the ODBC Cursor Library. This option provides better performance for small result sets, but degrades quickly for larger result sets.
dbUseServerCursor Always uses server-side cursors. For most large operations this option provides better performance, but might cause more network traffic.
dbUseClientBatchCursor Always uses the client batch cursor library. This option is required for batch updates.
dbUseNoCursor Opens all cursors (that is, Recordset objects) as forward-only type, read-only, with a rowset size of 1. Also known as "cursorless queries."


This property setting only affects connections established after the property has been set. Changing the DefaultCursorDriver property has no effect on existing connections.