Index Property Example

This example uses the Index property to set different record orders for a table-type Recordset.

Sub IndexPropertyX()

   Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
   Dim tdfEmployees As TableDef
   Dim rstEmployees As Recordset
   Dim idxLoop As Index

   Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
   Set rstEmployees = _
   Set tdfEmployees = dbsNorthwind.TableDefs!Employees

   With rstEmployees

      ' Enumerate Indexes collection of Employees table.
      For Each idxLoop In tdfEmployees.Indexes
         .Index = idxLoop.Name
         Debug.Print "Index = " & .Index
         Debug.Print "  EmployeeID - PostalCode - Name"

         ' Enumerate Recordset to show the order of records.
         Do While Not .EOF
            Debug.Print "    " & !EmployeeID & " - " & _
               !PostalCode & " - " & !FirstName & " " & _

      Next idxLoop

   End With


End Sub