DAO provides built-in constants that you can use with methods or properties. These constants all begin with the letters db and are documented with the method or property to which they apply.
AllPermissions Property Constants (All Are )
For any Container or Document object:
Constant | Description |
dbSecReadDef | Allows user to read the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecWriteDef | Allows user to modify or delete the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecRetrieveData | Allows user to retrieve data from the Document object. |
dbSecInsertData | Allows user to add records. |
dbSecReplaceData | Allows user to modify records. |
dbSecDeleteData | Allows user to delete records. |
The Databases container or any Document object in a Documents collection may include the following:
Constant | Description |
dbSecDeleteData | Allows user to delete records. |
dbSecDBAdmin | Allows user to replicate the database and change the database password. |
dbSecDBCreate | Allows user to create new databases. This setting is valid only on the Databases container in the workgroup information file (System.mdw). |
dbSecDBExclusive | Allows user exclusive access to the database. |
dbSecDBOpen | Allows user to open the database. |
Attributes Property Constants
For any Field object, the Attributes property may include the following:
Constant | Description |
dbFixedField | ![]() |
dbVariableField | ![]() |
dbAutoIncrField | ![]() |
dbUpdatableField | ![]() |
dbDescending | ![]() |
dbHyperlinkField | ![]() |
dbSystemField | ![]() |
For any Relation object, the Attributes property may include the following:
Constant | Description |
dbRelationUnique | ![]() |
dbRelationDontEnforce | ![]() |
dbRelationInherited | ![]() |
dbRelationUpdateCascade | ![]() |
dbRelationDeleteCascade | ![]() |
dbRelationLeft | Microsoft Access only. In Design view, display a LEFT JOIN as the default join type. |
dbRelationRight | Microsoft Access only. In Design view, display a RIGHT JOIN as the default join type. |
For any TableDef object, the Attributes property may include the following:
Constant | Description |
dbAttachExclusive | ![]() |
dbAttachSavePWD | ![]() |
dbSystemObject | ![]() |
dbHiddenObject | ![]() |
dbAttachedTable | ![]() |
dbAttachedODBC | ![]() |
CollatingOrder Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbSortArabic | Arabic collating order |
dbSortChineseSimplified | Simplified Chinese collating order |
dbSortChineseTraditional | Traditional Chinese collating order |
dbSortCyrillic | Russian collating order |
dbSortCzech | Czech collating order |
dbSortDutch | Dutch collating order |
dbSortGeneral | English, German, French, and Portuguese collating order |
dbSortGreek | Greek collating order |
dbSortHebrew | Hebrew collating order |
dbSortHungarian | Hungarian collating order |
dbSortIcelandic | Icelandic collating order |
dbSortJapanese | Japanese collating order |
dbSortKorean | Korean collating order |
dbSortNeutral | Neutral collating order |
dbSortNorw | Norwegian and Danish collating order |
dbSortPDXIntl | Paradox international collating order |
dbSortPDXNor | Paradox Norwegian and Danish collating order |
dbSortPDXSwe | Paradox Swedish and Finnish collating order |
dbSortPolish | Polish collating order |
dbSortSlovenian | Slovenian collating order |
dbSortSpanish | Spanish collating order |
dbSortSwedFin | Swedish and Finnish collating order |
dbSortThai | Thai collating order |
dbSortTurkish | Turkish collating order |
dbSortUndefined | Collating order undefined or unknown |
DefaultCursorDriver Property (All are )
Constant | Description |
dbUseDefaultCursor | (Default) Uses server-side cursors if the server supports them; otherwise uses the ODBC Cursor Library. |
dbUseODBCCursor | Always uses the ODBC Cursor Library. This option provides better performance for small result sets, but degrades quickly for larger result sets. |
dbUseServerCursor | Always uses server-side cursors. For most large operations this option provides better performance, but might cause more network traffic. |
dbUseClientBatchCursor | Always uses the FoxPro Cursor Library. This option is required for performing batch updates. |
dbUseNoCursor | Opens all cursors (that is, Recordset objects) as forward-only type, read-only, with a rowset size of 1. Also known as "cursorless queries." |
Direction Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbParamInput | (Default) Passes information to the procedure. |
dbParamInputOutput | Passes information both to and from the procedure. |
dbParamOutput | Returns information from the procedure as in an output parameter in SQL. |
dbParamReturnValue | Passes the return value from a procedure. |
EditMode Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbEditNone | No editing operation in effect. |
dbEditInProgress | Edit method invoked. |
dbEditAdd | AddNew method invoked. |
Permissions Property Constants (All are )
For any Container object, the Permissions property may include the following:
Constant | Description |
dbSecNoAccess | Denies user access to the object. |
dbSecFullAccess | Allows user full access to the object. |
dbSecDelete | Allows user to delete the object. |
dbSecReadSec | Allows user to read the object's security-related information. |
dbSecWriteSec | Allows user to alter access permissions. |
dbSecWriteOwner | Allows user to change the Owner property setting. |
For any database Container, the Permissions property may include any of the following (All are ):
Constant | Description |
dbSecDBAdmin | Gives user permission to make a database replicable and change the database password. |
dbSecDBCreate | Allows user to create new databases (valid only on the databases Container object in the system database). |
dbSecDBOpen | Allows user to open the database. |
dbSecDBExclusive | Allows user exclusive access. |
For any tables Container, the Permissions property may include any of the following (All are ):
Constant | Description |
dbSecCreate | Allows user to create new tables (valid only with a Container object that represents a table or with the databases Container object in the system database). |
dbSecReadDef | Allows user to read the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecWriteDef | Allows user to modify or delete the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecRetrieveData | Allows user to retrieve data from the document. |
dbSecInsertData | Allows user to add records. |
dbSecReplaceData | Allows user to modify records. |
dbSecDeleteData | Allows user to delete records. |
For any Document object, the Permissions property may include any of the following (All are ):
Constant | Description |
dbSecCreate | Allows user to create new tables (valid only with a Container object that represents a table). |
dbSecDBCreate | Allows user to create new databases (valid only on the databases Container object in the system database). |
dbSecDBOpen | Allows user to open the database. |
dbSecDBExclusive | Allows user exclusive access. |
dbSecDelete | Allows user to delete the object. |
dbSecDeleteData | Allows user to delete records. |
dbSecFullAccess | Allows user full access to the object. |
dbSecInsertData | Allows user to add records. |
dbSecReadDef | Allows user to read the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecReadSec | Allows user to read the object's security-related information. |
dbSecReplaceData | Allows user to modify records. |
dbSecRetrieveData | Allows user to retrieve data from the document. |
dbSecWriteDef | Allows user to modify or delete the table definition, including column and index information. |
dbSecWriteSec | Allows user to alter access permissions. |
dbSecWriteOwner | Allows user to change the Owner property setting. |
Prepare Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbQPrepare | (Default) The statement is prepared (that is, the ODBC SQLPrepare API is called). |
dbQUnprepare | The statement is not prepared (that is, the ODBC SQLExecDirect API is called). |
RecordStatus Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbDBDeleted | The record has been deleted locally and in the database. |
dbDeleted | The record has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database. |
dbRecordModified | The record has been modified and not updated in the database. |
dbRecordNew | The record has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database. |
dbRecordUnmodified | (Default) The record has not been modified or has been updated successfully. |
Type Property Constants
For any Field, Parameter, or Property object, the Type property may include any of the follwing (All are ):
Constant | Description |
dbBigInt | Big Integer data (ODBCDirect only) |
dbBinary | Binary data |
dbBoolean | Boolean (True/False) data |
dbByte | Byte (8-bit) data |
dbChar | Character data (ODBCDirect only) |
dbCurrency | Currency data |
dbDate | Date value data |
dbDecimal | Decimal data (ODBCDirect only) |
dbDouble | Double-precision floating-point data |
dbFloat | Floating-point data (ODBCDirect only) |
dbGUID | GUID data |
dbInteger | Integer data |
dbLong | Long Integer data |
dbLongBinary | Binary data (bitmap) |
dbMemo | Memo data (extended text) |
dbNumeric | Numeric data (ODBCDirect only) |
dbSingle | Single-precision floating-point data |
dbText | Text data (variable width) |
dbTime | Data in time format (ODBCDirect only) |
dbTimeStamp | Data in time and date format (ODBCDirect only) |
dbVarBinary | Variable Binary data (ODBCDirect only) |
For any QueryDef object, the Type property may include any of the following (All are ):
Constant | Description |
dbQAction | Action query |
dbQAppend | Append query |
dbQCompound | Compound query (ODBCDirect workspaces only) |
dbQCrosstab | Crosstab query |
dbQDDL | Data-definition language (DDL) query |
dbQDelete | Delete query |
dbQMakeTable | Make-table query |
dbQProcedure | SQL procedure that executes a stored procedure (ODBCDirect workspaces only) |
dbQSelect | Select query |
dbQSetOperation | Set operation query |
dbQSPTBulk | Bulk operation query |
dbQSQLPassThrough | SQL pass-through query |
dbQUpdate | Update query |
For any Recordset object, the Type property may include any of the following (All are ):
Constants | Description |
dbOpenDynamic | Opens a dynaset-type Recordset (ODBCDirect workspaces only) |
dbOpenDynaset | Opens a dynaset-type Recordset |
dbOpenForwardOnly | Opens a forward-only type Recordset |
dbOpenSnapshot | Opens a snapshot-type Recordset |
dbOpenTable | Opens a table-type Recordset (Microsoft Jet workspaces only) |
UpdateOptions Property Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbCriteriaKey | (Default) Uses just the key column(s) in the where clause. |
dbCriteriaModValues | Uses the key column(s) and all updated columns in the where clause. |
dbCriteriaAllCols | Uses the key column(s) and all the columns in the where clause. |
dbCriteriaTimeStamp | Uses just the timestamp column if available (will generate a run-time error if no timestamp column is in the result set). |
dbCriteriaDeleteInsert | Uses a pair of DELETE and INSERT statements for each modified row. |
dbCriteriaUpdate | (Default) Uses an UPDATE statement for each modified row. |
CompactDatabase, CreateDatabase Methods Locale Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbLangGeneral | English, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Modern Spanish |
dbLangArabic | Arabic |
dbLangChineseSimplified | Simplified Chinese |
dbLangChineseTraditional | Traditional Chinese |
dbLangCyrillic | Russian |
dbLangCzech | Czech |
dbLangDutch | Dutch |
dbLangGreek | Greek |
dbLangHebrew | Hebrew |
dbLangHungarian | Hungarian |
dbLangIcelandic | Icelandic |
dbLangJapanese | Japanese |
dbLangKorean | Korean |
dbLangNordic | Nordic |
dbLangNorwDan | Norwegian and Danish |
dbLangPolish | Polish |
dbLangSlovenian | Slovenian |
dbLangSpanish | Spanish |
dbLangSwedFin | Swedish and Finnish |
dbLangThai | Thai |
dbLangTurkish | Turkish |
CompactDatabase Method Options Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbDecrypt | Decrypts database while compacting |
dbEncrypt | Encrypts database |
dbVersion10 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 1.0 |
dbVersion11 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 1.1 |
dbVersion20 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 2.0 |
dbVersion30 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 3.0 |
CreateDatabase Method Options Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbEncrypt | Encrypts database |
dbVersion10 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 1.0 |
dbVersion11 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 1.1 |
dbVersion20 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 2.0 |
dbVersion30 | Microsoft Jet database engine version 3.0 |
CreateWorkspace Method Type Argument Constants
For any Workspace object Type property and DBEngine object DefaultType property, use any of the following: (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbUseODBC | The next workspace created will use ODBCDirect. |
dbUseJet | The next workspace created will use the Microsoft Jet database engine. |
Execute Method Options Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbDenyWrite | Denies write permission to other users (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbInconsistent | Allows inconsistent updates (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbConsistent | Allows consistent updates (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSQLPassThrough | An SQL pass-through. Causes the SQL statement to be passed to an ODBC database for processing (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbFailOnError | Rolls back updates if an error occurs (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSeeChanges | Generates a run-time error if another user is changing data you are editing (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbRunAsync | Executes the query asynchronously (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
dbExecDirect | Executes the query without first calling the SQLPrepare ODBC function (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
Idle Method Optional Argument Constant (This Is )
Constant | Description |
dbRefreshCache | Forces any pending writes to disk, and refreshes memory from current disk files. |
MakeReplica Method Optional Argument Constants (All are )
Constant | Description |
dbRepMakePartial | Creates a partial replica. |
dbRepMakeReadOnly | Makes replicable elements of new database read-only. |
OpenConnection and OpenDatabase Methods Option Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbDriverNoPrompt | The driver manager uses the connection string provided in connect. If sufficient information is not provided, a trappable error is returned. |
dbDriverPrompt | The driver manager displays the ODBC Data Sources dialog box. The connection string used to establish the connection is constructed from the data source name (DSN) selected and completed by the user via the dialog boxes. |
dbDriverComplete | If the connection string provided includes the DSN keyword, the driver manager uses the string as provided in connect, otherwise it behaves as it does when dbDriverPrompt is specified. |
dbDriverCompleteRequired | (Default) Behaves like dbDriverComplete except the driver disables the controls for any information not required to complete the connection. |
OpenRecordset Method Type Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbOpenDynamic | Opens a dynamic-type Recordset (ODBCDirect workspaces only) |
dbOpenDynaset | Opens a dynaset-type Recordset |
dbOpenForwardOnly | Opens a forward-only type Recordset |
dbOpenSnapshot | Opens a snapshot-type Recordset |
dbOpenTable | Opens a table-type Recordset (Microsoft Jet workspaces only) |
OpenRecordset Method LockEdits Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbPessimistic | Pessimistic concurrency. Cursor uses the lowest level of locking sufficient to ensure the record can be updated. |
dbReadOnly | Cursor is read-only. No updates are allowed. |
dbOptimistic | Optimistic concurrency based on record ID. Cursor compares record ID in old and new records to determine if changes have been made since the record was last accessed. |
dbOptimisticValue | Optimistic concurrency based on record values. Cursor compares data values in old and new records to determine if changes have been made since the record was last accessed (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
dbOptimisticBatch | Enables batch optimistic updates (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
OpenRecordset Method Options Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbDenyWrite | Prevents other users from changing Recordset records (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbDenyRead | Prevents other users from reading Recordset records (table-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbReadOnly | Opens the Recordset as read-only (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbAppendOnly | Allows user to add new records to the dynaset, but prevents user from reading existing records (dynaset-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbInconsistent | Applies updates to all dynaset fields, even if other records are affected (dynaset- and snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbConsistent | Applies updates only to those fields that will not affect other records in the dynaset (dynaset- and snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSQLPassThrough | Sends an SQL statement to an ODBC database (snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbForwardOnly | Creates a forward-only scrolling snapshot-type Recordset (snapshot-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbSeeChanges | Generates a run-time error if another user is changing data you are editing (dynaset-type in Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbRunAsync | Executes the query asynchronously (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
dbExecDirect | Executes the query without first calling the SQLPrepare ODBC function (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
SetOption Method Parameter Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbPageTimeout | The PageTimeout key |
dbSharedAsyncDelay | The SharedAsyncDelay key |
dbExclusiveAsyncDelay | The ExclusiveAsyncDelay key |
dbLockRetry | The LockRetry key |
dbUserCommitSync | The UserCommitSync key |
dbImplicitCommitSync | The ImplicitCommitSync key |
dbMaxBufferSize | The MaxBufferSize key |
dbMaxLocksPerFile | The MaxLocksPerFile key |
dbLockDelay | The LockDelay key |
dbRecycleLVs | The RecycleLVs key |
dbFlushTransactionTimeout | The FlushTransactionTimeout key |
Synchronize Method Exchange Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbRepExportChanges | Sends changes from current database to target database. |
dbRepImportChanges | Receives changes from target database. |
dbRepImpExpChanges | Sends and receives data in a bidirectional exchange. |
dbRepSyncInternet | Exchanges data between files connected via an Internet pathway. |
Update Method Type Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbUpdateRegular | (Default) Pending changes aren't cached and are written to disk immediately. |
dbUpdateBatch | All pending changes in the update cache are written to disk. |
dbUpdateCurrentRecord | Only the current record's pending changes are written to disk. |
CancelUpdate Method Type Argument Constants (All Are )
Constant | Description |
dbUpdateRegular | (Default) Pending changes aren't cached and are written to disk immediately. |
dbUpdateBatch | All pending changes in the update cache are written to disk. |