NoMatch Property

See Also   Applies To

Indicates whether a particular record was found by using the Seek method or one of the Find methods (Microsoft Jet workspaces only).




To locate a record, use the Seek method on a table-type CdbRecordset object or one of the Find methods on a dynaset- or snapshot-type CdbRecordset object. Check the NoMatch property setting to see whether the record was found.

If the Seek or Find method is unsuccessful and the NoMatch property is True, the current record will no longer be valid. Be sure to obtain the current record's bookmark before using the Seek method or a Find method if you'll need to return to that record.

When you first open a CdbRecordset object, its NoMatch property is set to False.

Note Using any of the Move methods on a CdbRecordset object won't affect its NoMatch property setting.