Creates a new Recordset object and appends it to the Recordsets collection.
CdbRecordsetOpenRecordset(LONG lType=-1, LONG lOption=-1);
Type | Example | Description |
LONG | lType | Optional. A constant that indicates the type of Recordset to open as listed in Settings. |
LONG | lOption | Optional. A combination of constants that specify characteristics of the new Recordset as listed in Settings. |
Use the following values for Type.
Constant | Description |
dbOpenTable | Opens a table-type Recordset object (Microsoft Jet workspaces only). |
dbOpenDynamic | Opens a dynamic-type Recordset object, which is similar to an ODBC dynamic cursor. (ODBCDirect workspaces only) |
dbOpenDynaset | Opens a dynaset-type Recordset object, which is similar to an ODBC keyset cursor. |
dbOpenSnapshot | Opens a snapshot-type Recordset object, which is similar to an ODBC static cursor. |
dbOpenForwardOnly | Opens a forward-only-type Recordset object. |
Use the following values for Option.
Constant | Description |
dbAppendOnly | Allows users to append new records to the Recordset, but prevents them from editing or deleting existing records (Microsoft Jet dynaset-type Recordset only). |
dbSQLPassThrough | Passes an SQL statement to a Microsoft Jet-connected ODBC data source for processing (Microsoft Jet snapshot-type Recordset only). |
dbSeeChanges | Generates a run-time error if one user is changing data that another user is editing (Microsoft Jet dynaset-type Recordset only). This is useful in applications where multiple users have simultaneous read/write access to the same data. |
dbDenyWrite | Prevents other users from modifying or adding records (Microsoft Jet Recordset objects only). |
dbDenyRead | Prevents other users from reading data in a table (Microsoft Jet table-type Recordset only). |
dbForwardOnly | Creates a forward-only Recordset (Microsoft Jet snapshot-type Recordset only). It is provided only for backward compatibility, and you should use the dbOpenForwardOnly constant in the type argument instead of using this option. |
dbReadOnly | Prevents users from making changes to the Recordset (Microsoft Jet only). The dbReadOnly constant in the lockedits argument replaces this option, which is provided only for backward compatibility. |
dbRunAsync | Runs an asynchronous query (ODBCDirect workspaces only). |
dbExecDirect | Runs a query by skipping SQLPrepare and directly calling SQLExecDirect (ODBCDirect workspaces only). Use this option only when you’re not opening a Recordset based on a parameter query. For more information, see the "Microsoft ODBC 3.0 Programmer’s Reference." |
dbInconsistent | Allows inconsistent updates (Microsoft Jet dynaset-type and snapshot-type Recordset objects only). |
dbConsistent | Allows only consistent updates (Microsoft Jet dynaset-type and snapshot-type Recordset objects only). |
The constants dbConsistent and dbInconsistent are mutually exclusive. Using both causes an error.
Note The core topic says the LockEdits parameter is available for all OpenRecordset methods. The CdbRecordset::OpenRecordset method actually applies to Microsoft Jet workspaces only. The LockEdits parameter actually applies to ODBCDirect workspaces only and is not available in this method.
#include <afxole.h>
#include <dbdao.h>
CdbDBEngine dben;
CdbDatabase dbs;
CdbRecordset rst, rst2;
dbs = dben.OpenDatabase(_T("Northwind.mdb"));
rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(_T("SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES"),dbOpenDynaset);
// Get more selective.
rst.SetFilter(_T("LASTNAME >= 'M'");
rst2 = rst.OpenRecordset();