CdbRecordset::SetRecordStatus, GetRecordStatus Property

Set or returns a value indicating whether and how the current record will be involved in the next optimistic batch update (ODBCDirect workspaces only).



VOIDSetRecordStatus(SHORT i);

Set Parameters

Type Example Description
SHORT i A Short with one or more of the values specified in Settings.


Constant Description
dbRecordUnmodified (Default) The record has not been modified or has been updated successfully.
dbRecordModified The record has been modified and not updated in the database.
dbRecordNew The record has been inserted with the AddNew method, but not yet inserted into the database.
dbRecordDeleted The record has been deleted, but not yet deleted in the database.
dbRecordDBDeleted The record has been deleted locally and in the database.


The core topic states that this property returns a Long. However, the CdbRecordset object's member function is declared as Short.