CdbRecordset::Update Method

Saves the contents of the current record, and any changes you've made to it, to an updatable Recordset object.


VOIDUpdate(short sType = dbUpdateRegular,



Type Example Description
SHORT sType = dbUpdateRegular Optional. A constant indicating the type of update, as specified in Settings (ODBCDirect workspaces only).
VARIANT_BOOL bForce = FALSE Optional. A Boolean value indicating whether or not to force the changes into the database, regardless of whether the underlying data has been changed by another user since the AddNew, Delete, or Edit call. If TRUE, the changes are forced and changes made by other users are simply overwritten. If FALSE (default), changes made by another user while the update is pending will cause the update to fail for those changes that are in conflict. No error occurs, but the BatchCollisionCount and BatchCollisions properties will indicate the number of conflicts and the rows affected by conflicts, respectively (ODBCDirect workspaces only).


You can use the following values for the first argument. You can use the non-default values only if batch updating is enabled.

Constant Description
dbUpdateRegular (Default) Pending changes aren’t cached and are written to disk immediately.
dbUpdateBatch All pending changes in the update cache are written to disk.
dbUpdateCurrentRecord Only the current record’s pending changes are written to disk.


#include <afxole.h>
#include <dbdao.h>

COleVariant       vVal(_T("LastName"), VT_BSTRT);
CdbRecordset      rst;
...               // Intialize recordset etc.
rst.SetField( 0L, vVal);      // Edit the first field.
rst.Update(dbUpdateCurrentRecord, TRUE);