CdbRecordset::GetField Method

GetField returns the value of a Field (that is, a table column) in a Recordset. The Field is identified by either its name (that is, column name), or its index (that is, cardinal position in the row).


COleVariantGetField( LPCTSTRpstrIndex );

COleVariantGetField( CString &str);

COleVariantGetField( LONGlIndex );

COleVariantGetField( COleVariant &vIndex);


Type Example Description
LPCTSTR pstrIndex A pointer to a string that contains the name of the desired Field.
CString & str A reference to a CString that contains the name of the desired Field.
LONG lIndex An integer that is the index of the desired Field, starting from the leftmost Field and counting from zero.
COleVariant & vIndex A reference to a COleVariant with a value that is the index of the desired Field, starting from the leftmost Field and counting from zero, or a string containing the name of the Field.


GetField is only available in dbDAO. It is provided as a more efficient way of getting the value of a Field, other than accessing the Recordset object's Fields collection, then invoking the GetValue method:

COleVariant vValbyName, vValbyIndex;
vValbyName = recordset.Fields[_T("fieldname")].GetValue();
vValbyIndex = recordset.Fields[index].GetValue();


#include <afxole.h>
#include <dbdao.h>

COleVariant vVal;
   // Initialize a recordset, etc.
   // Get the value of the 'LastName' field.
vVal = recordset.GetField(_T("LastName"));  
   // Get the value of the third field.       
vVal = recordset.GetField(2L);