Online Catalog Sample Modules Overview

Each module uses different pieces of the MDAC technology. The following table includes a brief description of all the modules used.

Module Name Description
OrderEntry.css Specifies styles included in each display module. Varies depending on browser. Contains the ADO VB script constants. Contains the ADO Java script constants. Displays the Company Title at the head of each page. Manages the Parent Categories stack that appears near the top of some of the forms.
global.asa Sets up global variables for the application.
default.asp Designates the home page that links to the Online Catalog, Shopping Cart, Order Status, Your Profile pages.
getCategories.asp Gets a list of Product Categories by storing a Recordset into session variable arrays.
Category.asp Displays list of categories that customer can click to drill down. Uses session variable arrays to populate the form.
catalog.asp Retrieves the list of products by using a Command Object and displays it.
Product.asp Retrieves the information about a product and displays it.
Customize.asp Sets customizable properties in the Parent Categories Stack. Uses the SHAPE Provider to get a hierarchical recordset.
addToShoppingCart.asp Adds a product to the shopping cart by adding a row to arrays held in session variables.
removeFromShoppingCart.asp Removes a product from the shopping cart by deleting a row from arrays held in session variables.
ShoppingCart.asp Displays the contents of the Shopping cart by displaying the arrays held in session variables.
initLogin.asp Initializes the customer login process.
Login.asp Collects the customer login information.
validatePassword.asp Validates the user login information.

If a customer profile exists, stores return code passed as output parameters in session variables.

If a customer profile does not exists, creates new profile, stores output parameters in session variables and stores session variables in input parameters.

LoginNewUser.asp Gets a password for a new customer by using session variables.
validateEmailNew.asp Checks customer's e-mail name and password, stores e-mail information in input parameter, and stores password in output parameter.
getAddress.asp Gets customer's profile, outputs one row of a resultset into session variables.
Address.asp Displays customer profile information by getting data out of session variables.
showAddress.asp Displays user profile by getting data out of session variables.
getSearchItems.asp Runs a search by dynamically building a SQL string and executing it.
Checkout.asp Displays shopping cart contents by getting data out of arrays in session variables.
setShoppingCart.asp Adds Shopping cart to Order tables by using one connection for several Command objects.
setOrders.asp Adds shopping cart contents to an order table by executing several commands in stored procedures over one connection that uses input and output parameters.
initStatus.asp Initializes the Status Query Process by setting session variables to a hold state.
Status.asp Displays the status of a customer's order by using two connections simultaneously.
StatusSummary.asp Displays a clickable summary list of Orders.
AccountsRCTranslate.asp Formats error code by using a two-dimensional array.
AckChangeAddressBody.asp Maintains customer profile.