Redistributing Data Access Components

This section contains the list of the Data Access Components redistributable files, as well as instructions on how to run the redistributable stanalone EXE's that installs all the necessary files for running any Data Access aware application on your client machine.

Running the Redistribution Setup from the Command-Line in Silent Mode

In a DOS window, enter:

mdac_typ.exe /q:a /c:"setup.exe /qt"

The /q:a switch removes all user interfaces from the standalone wrapper.

The /qt switch removes all user interfaces from the MS installer.

Extracting the DA SDK and Setup Files

In a DOS window, enter:

mdac_typ.exe /C /T:DirectoryPath

The /C switch specifies to extract the files with running setup.

The /T:DirectoryPath specifies the directory where you want the extracted files placed.

Redistributable Components Filelist

The following files are redistributable:

RDS 2.0

File Name Description
msadds.dll Shape Provider (Hierarchial Rowsets)
msaddsr.dll Shape Provider Resource Library
msdaprst.dll Persistence Provider
msdatsrc.tlb Data Binding
msadce.dll Cursor Engine
msadcer.dll Cursor Engine Resource Library
msadcf.dll Data Factory
msadcfr.dll Data Factory Resource Library
msadco.dll Client-side ADC objects, including ADC control and SOAP proxy
msadcor.dll Client-side ADC objects Resource Library
msadcs.dll SOAP stub, ISAPI dll Client cab Include file for JavaScript Include file for VBScript
msdfmap.dll Data factory handler core
msdfmap.ini Initializes the Data factory handler core
handler.reg Register and include file

RDS 1.1

File Name Descriptiom RDS 1.1 cab

ADO 2.0

File Name Description
msader15.dll ADO Error String Library
msado15.dll ADO Library
msador15.dll ADO Recordset Object
msadrh15.dll Rowset helper dll Include file for JavaScript Include file for VBScript
ADOreadme.txt Release Notes
adoapt15.reg Apartment-Threading
adofre15.reg Free-Threading
makapt15.bat Batch file for Apartment-Threading
makfre15.bat Batch file for Free-Threading


File Name Description
msdadc.dll OLE DB Data Conversion Library
msdaenum.dll OLE DB Root Enumerator object
msdaer.dll OLE DB Error object
msdaerr.dll OLE DB Error Object Resource Library
msdaps.dll OLE DB Interface Remote
msdatt.dll OLE DB Temporary Table Service Provider
msdatl2.dll Tools library

OLE DB ODBC Provider 2.0

File name Description
msdasql.dll ODBC Provider
msdasqlr.dll ODBC Provider Resource Library
"MSDASQLreadme.txt" ODBC Provider Release Notes

ODBC 3.51

File Name Description
ds16gt.dll 16-bit driver setup generic thunking
ds32gt.dll 32-bit driver setup generic thunking
mtxdm.dll Connection Pooling Manager
odbc16gt.dll 16-bit ODBC generic thunking
odbc32.dll 32-bit Driver Manager
odbc32gt.dll 32-bit ODBC generic thunking
odbcad32.exe 32-bit Administrator program
odbccp32.cpl 32-bit Administrator Control Panel Applet
odbccp32.dll 32-bit installer
odbccr32.dll ANSI Cursor Library
odbccu32.dll Unicode Cursor Library
odbcint.dll 16-bit installer
odbctrac.dll ODBC Trace
odbcinst.hlp Installer Help file
odbcinst.cnt Installer Help Table of Contents file

SQL Server ODBC Driver 3.5

File Name Description
12520437.cpx Translation Code Page
12520850.cpx Translation Code Page
mscpxl32.dll Translation
sqlsrv32.dll SQL Server ODBC Driver
odbcbcp.dll SQL Server BCP Library
windbver.exe SQL Serverr Client Configuration Utility
sqlsodbc.hlp Help File
SQLSRdMe.txt Release Notes

SQL Server OLE DB Provider 1.0

File Name Description
dbmsshrn.dll Shared Memory Net-Library
dbnmpntw.dll Named Pipes Net-Library
dbmssocn.dll Sockets Net-Library
instcat.sql Updated System Stored Procedure Catalog
SQLSOLDB.hlp Help File

Oracle ODBC Driver 2.0

File Name Description
msorcl32.dll Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle
mtxoci.dll Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
msorcl32.hlp Help File
msorcl32.cnt Table of Contents for Help File
MsOracle32Readme.txt Release Notes

Oracle OLE DB Provider 1.0

File Name Description
msdaora.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle
mtxoci.dll Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
MSOrclOLEDBreadme.txt Release Notes

Jet 3.51

File Name Description
msjet35.dll Microsoft Jet Database Engine
msjint35.dll International Resource File
msjter35.dll Error Services File
msrd2x35.dll IISAM for Jet 2.0 Databases
msrepl35.dll Jet Replication Library
expsrv.dll Express Service
vbajet32.dll Express Service
msexch35.dll Exchange Installable ISAM
msexcl35.dll Excel Installable ISAM
mspdox35.dll Paradox Installable ISAM
msltus35.dll Lotus Installable ISAM
mstext35.dll Text Installable ISAM
msxbse35.dll Xbase Installable ISAM

Jet OLE DB 3.52

File Name Description
MSJTOR35.DLL Jet OLEDB Provider  
JoltReadme.txt Jet OLEDB Provider Release Notes

ODBC Driver for Desktop Databases

File Name Description
odbcji32.dll ODBC Driver Resource Library
odbcjt32.dll ODBC Driver for Desktop Databases
odbctl32.dll Utility Routines
oddbse32.dll dBase Setup
odexl32.dll Excel Setup
odfox32.dll FoxPro Setup
odpdx32.dll Paradox Setup
odtext32.dll Text Setup
odbcjet.hlp Help File
odbcjet.cnt Release Notes

Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver

File Name Description
vfpodbc.dll FoxPro ODBC Driver
vfpodbc.txt Release Notes
drvvfp.hlp Help file
drvvfp.cnt Table of Contents for Help File

OSP Toolkit

File Name Description
msdaosp.dll OLE DB mapping layer file

Service Components

File Name Description
MSDASC.DLL Service Components
msdasc.hlp Help File for Data Links UI
msdasc.cnt Table of Contents for Help File
msdasc .txt Release Notes