Miscellaneous Functions

IMM Function



Application-defined callback function for ImmEnumRegisterWord.


Enumerates strings registered in the IME dictionary that have a specific reading, style, or value. If no reading, style, or value is specified, the function enumerates all strings registered in the IME dictionary.


Returns a list of styles available from the specified IME. One style, IME_REGWORD_STYLE_EUDC (the string is in the EUDC range), is predefined; the others are defined by the IME module.


Retrieves the value of a virtual key that has been preprocessed by the IME. Applications can call this function when parsing the virtual key VK_PROCESSKEY.


Filters messages for those related to the IME windows and passes them on to the IME system class window, if necessary. For example, applications can reposition the status, composition, and candidate windows in response to certain IME messages related to the user interface.


Adds a specified string to the dictionary associated with a particular IME.


Simulates the specified hot key. Called by applications only.


Removes a specified string from the dictionary associated with a specified IME.