For more information about using Microsoft SQL Server, see the following manuals:
Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for C
Provides information about developing applications for SQL Server using the DB-Library for C call-level interface.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming DB-Library for Visual Basic
Provides information about the syntax and references for the DB-Library for Visual Basic API, which is used to write Microsoft Visual Basic® programming system-based client programs for the Windows operating systems.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming Open Data Services
Provides information about the syntax and references for Open Data Services, which is used to write server applications for client/server systems.
Microsoft SQL Server Programming SQL Distributed Management Objects
Provides information about the syntax and references for SQL Distributed Management Objects, which are 32-bit OLE Automation objects for the Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. The objects and their properties, methods, lists, and collections are used to write scripts and programs that can be used to administer multiple SQL Servers that are distributed across a network.
Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL Reference
Provides information about how to use Transact-SQL statements and other features to access databases. Provides syntax, descriptions, and examples for Transact-SQL statements, system stored procedures, utility programs, and system tables.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Developer's Companion
Provides an overview of Transact-SQL, which is an enhanced version of SQL (structured query language). Discusses managing data and database objects, such as tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, defaults, rules, constraints, and user-defined datatypes.
Microsoft SQL Server Setup
Provides instructions for installing Microsoft SQL Server software on servers and workstations. Discusses installing client utilities.
Microsoft SQL Server Administrator's Companion
Provides information about administering Microsoft SQL Server. Contains overview information, as well as procedures and examples.
What's New in Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
Provides details about upgrades and changes that were made to SQL Server to provide additional capabilities and to meet ANSI standards.