Data Input and Output Using the SQLDA Data Structure

The SQLDA data structure contains descriptive information about each input parameter or output column. The structure contains the column name, the datatype, the length, and a pointer to the actual data buffer for each input or output variable.

For output data, you can use the DESCRIBE statement (or the PREPARE statement with the INTO option) to enter column name, datatype, and other data into the appropriate fields of the SQLDA data structure.

Before using the SQLDA structure in a PREPARE INTO or DESCRIBE statement, your application must set the length of SQLDA and the maximum number of entries.

To use the SQLDA structure for input data, your application must supply the data for the fields of the entire SQLDA data structure. If the sqltype field has an odd code number (value), the address of the indicator variable must also be supplied. (For more information about the SQLDA data structure, see Appendix A, "Advanced Programming." )