Paradox Engine Settings

The following table describes the registry settings that are installed for the Paradox engine. They are located in the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft
\Jet\3.5\Engines\Paradox key of the Windows registry. None of these settings are required.

Setting Data type Default value Description
PageTimeout Integer 600 The length of time between when data is placed in an internal cache and when it’s invalidated. The value is specified in 100 millisecond units. The default is 600 (60 seconds).
ParadoxUserName String The name to be displayed by Paradox if a table is locked by the Paradox ISAM driver, and an interactive user accessing the data from Paradox (rather than the ISAM driver) attempts to place an incompatible lock. This setting isn’t added if the computer isn’t on a network.
ParadoxNetPath String The full path to the folder containing the file (for Paradox 3.x) or the file (for Paradox 4.x). This setting isn’t added unless the computer is on a network. You need to add the initial setting. The full ParadoxNetPath (including the drive letter) must be consistent for all users sharing a particular database. If you indicate a value for the ParadoxNetPath setting, you must also specify a value for the ParadoxUserName and ParadoxNetStyle settings, or you’ll receive an error when trying to access external Paradox data.
ParadoxNetStyle String 4.x The network access style to use when accessing Paradox data. Possible values are 3.x and 4.x (Note that Paradox 3.x users can’t set this to 4.x or the ISAM driver will use the wrong locking method.) This setting isn’t added unless the computer is on a network. This setting should correspond to whatever version of Paradox users in the group are using. It must be consistent for all users sharing a particular database.
CollatingSequence String ASCII The collating sequence for all Paradox tables created or opened using Microsoft Jet. Possible values are ASCII, International, Norwegian-Danish, Japanese and Swedish-Finnish. Note that the value of the CollatingSequence setting must match the collating sequence used when the Paradox table was built, or the ISAM returns an error with the TableOpen API is used.

Setting Data type Default value Description
DataCodePage String OEM The character set in which string and Memo values are stored. Possible values are OEM and ANSI. If the value of this setting is OEM, string values are translated from ANSI to OEM prior to being stored in the Paradox table. In the same manner, data retrieved from Paradox tables are translated from OEM to ANSI before being returned.