Unsupported Microsoft Jet Features
The Desktop Database Drivers expose as much Microsoft Jet functionality as possible, but they cannot expose some Microsoft Access features and Microsoft Jet functionality. As a desktop database, Microsoft Access has many features, particularly user-interface features, that cannot be exposed through the ODBC interface. The following are not supported:
Microsoft Access forms and reports
VBA or Access Basic or DAO functions. The drivers have no way to call these functions. Queries cannot contain VBA or Access Basic functions.
Microsoft Access macros
Creation of referential integrity. The Desktop Database Drivers do not support the Integrity Enhancement Facility (IEF) syntax necessary for referential integrity.
Creation of secure Microsoft Access databases with the GRANT statement. The Desktop Database Drivers can use the security if it’s set up, but security cannot be set up through the drivers.
Administration of replication.
See Also For more information about SQL grammar, see Appendix C of the Microsoft ODBC 3.0 Software Development Kit and Programmer’s Reference.