In addition to the locking information file, there is the workgroup information file (also known as the system database and typically named System.mda in Microsoft Access 2.0 or System.mdw in Microsoft Access 95 and 97). This file is a Microsoft Jet database that stores information about the users, groups, and passwords for a secured database, and its location in multiuser environments is important. The workgroup information file can be placed on the local workstation or shared on a network drive. However, if it’s stored locally, you must take the steps necessary to update it when security settings change.
Microsoft Access Users In versions of Microsoft Access prior to Microsoft Access 97, Microsoft Access uses the workgroup information file to store various options that the user can set. It also stores the most recently used (MRU) list of databases opened. In these versions, if you want your application’s users to have their own MRU lists, you should store the workgroup information file on their local drives. In Microsoft Access 97, settings in the user’s Options dialog box (Tools menu, Options command) and MRU information are stored in the Windows Registry in the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Access\Settings key on each user’s computer.
See Also For more information about workgroup information files, see Chapter 10, “Managing Security.”