Creating a Single-Master Replica Set

Programmers who are familiar with the use of a single-master database on a server might want to implement the same topology with Microsoft Jet replication. The single-master topology establishes the Design Master as the only member of the replica set that accepts changes to either the design of a database or the contents of the database. All other replicas in the set are read-only, even if you specify otherwise when creating replicas by using DAO code.

The only way to create a single-master replica set is to use Replication Manager; you cannot implement this topology through DAO programming.

Note that performance is always better if the replicas in a replica set are read-only, whether you create them through code or by creating a single-master replica set by using Replication Manager. When replicas are read-only, synchronization occurs in only one direction, from the Design Master to the replica, rather than in both directions.

Û To create a single-master replica set

  1. Start Replication Manager.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Convert Database To Design Master.

  3. Select (highlight) the database you want to convert and click Open.

  4. On the fifth screen of the Convert Database to Design Master Wizard, click I Want All Replicas To Be Read-Only and Data Changes To Be Made Only At The Design Master.

  5. Complete the remainder of the wizard screens.