Synchronizing over the Internet or an Intranet by Using DAO

The DAO Synchronize method includes a new constant, dbRepSyncInternet, that supports Internet synchronization. You cannot use the dbRepSyncInternet constant independently; you use it in combination with another constant that specifies which type of synchronization you want to use. Here are three statements that illustrate how you can use this constant:

dbs.Synchronize "domainname/replicaname", dbRepImpChanges Or dbRepSyncInternet
dbs.Synchronize "domainname/replicaname", dbRepExpChanges Or dbRepSyncInternet
dbs.Synchronize "domainname/replicaname", dbRepImpExpChanges Or dbRepSyncInternet

Note DAO provides dbRepImpExpChanges as a default constant only if the user does not specify any arguments at all.

In the examples above, the domainname/replicaname argument consists of the Internet server’s domain name together with the name of the replica without a path. To synchronize over an intranet, use servername/replicaname, where servername is the name of the intranet server and replicaname is the name of the replica, without a path.