Unsupported Operators and Functions

When you construct a query to send to the server, Microsoft Jet determines which parts of the query can be handled by the server and which parts must be handled locally. Microsoft Jet uses the ODBC call SQLGetInfo to ask the ODBC driver which operators and functions are available on the server. When Microsoft Jet encounters a statement containing an operator or function that cannot be processed by the server, that statement must be evaluated locally.

The following tables list operators and functions that Microsoft Jet sends to the server in SQL statements if they are supported by your server. See your server documentation for further details.

General operators
= - Is Null
< > * Is Not Null
< / Like
> & Mod
< = And Not
> = In Or

Math functions
Abs Fix Sgn
Atn Int Sin
Cos Log Sqr
Exp Rnd Tan

String functions
Asc Left Space
Chr Len Str
InStr Mid String
Lcase RTrim Trim
LTrim Right Ucase

Aggregate functions
Avg Min Sum
Count Max

Conversion functions
Ccur CLng CVDate
CDbl CSng
Cint CStr

Date and time functions
Date Minute Time
DatePart Month Weekday
Day Now Year
Hour Second

Most servers don’t support string expressions surrounded by double quotation marks (") in SQL statements such as:

SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE State = "CA"

When using a Microsoft Jet workspace, Microsoft Jet translates double quotation marks into single quotation marks (') before sending the statement to the server. However, when using an ODBCDirect workspace, no translation is performed and an error will occur. To write code that is easily portable between either kind of workspace, make sure to use single quotation marks around strings in SQL statements as shown in the following example:

SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE State = 'CA'

In addition, some servers don’t support the following features:

The following features are unsupported on all known ODBC-accessible servers.