You can link a server view to your application’s database just as you would link a table with no unique index. Microsoft Jet will treat the linked view as a snapshot-type Recordset object, unless you create a pseudo index on the link (not on the server view). Therefore, you can think of linking to an SQL view the same as you would link to any other data source with a non-unique index.
To make a server view or other table with no index updatable, select a group of fields that uniquely identify each record in the view. Then, create a data definition query on the linked table. Do not use an SQL pass-through query because you aren’t trying to create an index on the server tables or the server view.
This gives Microsoft Jet enough information to uniquely identify records on the linked view and allows your application to use all operations normally associated with dynaset-type Recordset objects (such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations).
Note You can’t link server-based stored procedures using this technique.
See Also To see examples of how to create pseudo indexes, see “Indexes and ODBC Views” in Chapter 3, “Data Definition and Integrity.”