Using Setup Command-Line Switches

Windows 95 Setup provides options to control the installation process. These options, or switches, are specified on the command line as arguments for the setup command (such as setup /d). Similar to MS-DOS command arguments, the specific option is preceded by a forward slash (/) character (not the backslash used to specify directory arguments).

Windows 95 Setup can be run with the setup command with the following switches.




Provides help for syntax and use of setup command-line switches.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup not to load the SmartDrive disk cache.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup not to use the existing version of Windows for the early phases of Setup. Use this switch if you have problems starting Setup that might be due to missing or damaged supporting files for Windows.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup not to check for the minimum disk space required to install Windows 95.


Runs ScanDisk in the foreground so that you can see the results. Use this switch if the system stalls during the ScanDisk check or if an error results.


Loads the Logitech mouse driver. Use this option if you have a Logitech Series C mouse.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup not to perform the ScanDisk quick check when running Setup from MS-DOS. You probably want to use this switch if you use compression software other than DriveSpace or DoubleSpace.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup not to run the ScanDisk quick check when starting Setup from Windows. You probably want to use this switch if you use compression software other than DriveSpace or DoubleSpace.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup to copy a minimal installation of the required Windows 3.x DLLs used by Windows 95 Setup, and then to exit to MS-DOS without installing Windows 95.


Instructs Windows 95 Setup to use settings in the specified script to install Windows 95 automatically; for example, setup msbatch.inf specifies that Setup should use the settings in MSBATCH.INF. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Custom, Automated, and Push Installations."


Specifies the directory where Setup is to copy its temporary files. This directory must already exist, but any existing files in the directory will be deleted.

Tip for Accessibility Needs and Windows 95 Setup

Users who require accessibility aids with Windows might find it difficult to install Windows 95 in the usual way because accessibility aids cannot run with Windows 95 Setup.

To solve this problem, users (or their system administrator) can provide setup answers in a setup script, which is a text file that is created before running Setup. Then the user can run Setup from the command prompt using this setup script. Windows 95 Setup will run without requiring additional user input. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Custom, Automated, and Push Installations."