Editing MSBATCH.INF for Custom Settings

After you have used Server-based Setup or BATCH.EXE to create a setup script in MSBATCH.INF format, you can edit and save this file with a text editor to create alternate or more detailed setup scripts.


  1. Use a text editor such as Notepad to open the MSBATCH.INF file.
  2. Edit the file, and save it in text-only format.

The following are the editing guidelines for MSBATCH.INF:

Tip for Defining Custom Entries in Setup Scripts

Use the Custom Setup option to install Windows 95 on a single computer. You can define all the optional components and other items you want installed for other similar computers at your site.

After Windows 95 is completely installed on this single computer, you can use any text editor to copy the [OptionalComponents], [Setup], [NameAndOrg], and [System] sections from SETUPLOG.TXT in the computer's root directory. Add this information to define settings for the same sections in the custom setup script.

This is especially useful for defining entries for [OptionalComponents] or when many computers require the same [System] settings. Some settings for the [Network] section can also be copied from SETUPLOG.TXT.