Real-Mode Drivers and the IOS.INI Safe Driver List

Microsoft strongly recommends that you use 32-bit, protected-mode drivers wherever possible. With protected-mode drivers, configuration information is stored in the Registry rather than in CONFIG.SYS or other files.

The following shows the general guidelines for device entries in CONFIG.SYS, and whether such entries are required or can be removed under Windows 95:

Windows 95 automatically unloads any real-mode drivers for which it has protected-mode drivers to provide the same functionality. For example, the real-mode DBLSPACE.BIN driver is unloaded and the protected-mode DBLSPACE.VXD driver takes over. However, the protected-mode device driver should take over only when it guarantees similar functionality to the real-mode driver, not merely because it can drive the hardware.


To determine whether a particular driver is running in real mode versus protected mode, click the Performance tab in the System option in Control Panel.

Real-mode drivers that can safely be replaced are identified in the safe driver list, which identifies drivers and TSRs that Windows 95 can replace with corresponding protected-mode drivers. The safe driver list (IOS.INI in the Windows directory) can include the following information:

Windows 95 does not store the version number of the driver or TSR in the list, so the vendor must change the name of the driver if a future version is enhanced so that the driver is safe or unsafe.

By default, the following drivers are considered safe:

A real-mode driver is considered unsafe if it implements functionality that is not provided by protected-mode drivers. For example, a real-mode IDE or ESDI driver that uses dynamic encryption is an unsafe driver because Windows 95 does not support encryption. Windows 95 protected-mode drivers do not implement the following functions, so if a real-mode driver uses any of the following functions it is considered unsafe and should not be added to the safe driver list:

If Windows 95 provides an appropriate protected-mode driver, you should use only the real-mode driver in these cases:

Tip for Using Real-Mode versus Safe Protected-Mode Drivers

If a real-mode driver provides better performance or provides some functions not present in the Windows 95 protected-mode driver, you should remove the real-mode driver from the safe driver list, so that Windows 95 uses real mode to access the driver. Similarly, if a real-mode driver can safely be taken over by a protected-mode driver, add the real-mode driver to the safe driver list.

To determine whether you can use a protected-mode driver, you will have to test the equivalent functionality provided from the protected-mode driver versus your existing real-mode driver.

The following is the syntax of the safe driver list in IOS.INI:

filename, qualifier_string ; comments

The qualifier_string can be one shown in the following list.

Qualifier string



Indicates that it is acceptable to load the protected-mode driver and not use the mapper for this real-mode driver because it doesn't matter whether it sees any I/O requests. This is the default.


Implies that the device driver or TSR is safe, but it has an INT 13 hook that needs to see INT 13 requests. In this case, the protected-mode drivers are loaded, but the system routes the logical requests through the real-mode mapper and then switches back to protected-mode at the end of the INT 13 chain.


Implies that the driver is safe as long as it does not see any INT 13 requests. In this case, the protected-mode drivers are loaded and the real-mode mapper is not used.


Indicates a driver that controls a device that is not a disk, such as Interlnk. IOS issues INT 25 calls to all logical volumes in the system and determines whether the request is mapped to INT 13, ASPI, or CAM. If the request is not mapped, then this is a monolithic driver, as is the case for Interlnk. Adding non_disk prevents IOS from considering Interlnk in its safe-driver processing.


Similar to non_disk. Any driver that is monolithic and safe must have this qualifier set to indicate to IOS that the protected-mode port drivers can be loaded and the driver's entry point can be handled to prevent contention.

IOS.INI also contains an Unsafe CD section in IOS.INI. Adding a driver to this section indicates that this CDFS will not be loaded on the CD drives that this driver controls.

The following is an example of some IOS.INI entries.

386max.sys   ; Qualitas   ; 4DOS shell program   ; Afterdark   ; Afterdark   ; Afterdark
aspi3x90.sys   ; DTC SCSI no PM driver
drd600.sys   ; Acme 60X series CDROM
drd60asp.sys   ; Acme 60X series CDROM
drd60ps.sys   ; Acme 60X series CDROM

Tip for Troubleshooting Protected-Mode Drivers

If you believe that a protected-mode driver should be controlling a device, but the device appears with a real-mode driver in the System option in Control Panel, you can check entries in IOS.LOG. The IOS.LOG file in the Windows directory is created when a protected-mode driver is not available or if the operating system detects that an unknown device driver is controlling a device.

In most cases, the first line in IOS.LOG states why the protected-mode driver was not loaded. If the first line mentions MBRINT13.SYS, then the problem most likely is a virus (except if you are using a driver that replaces the master boot record).