PPP Log File

You can record how the PPP layers process a call by enabling the PPPLOG file. This file contains some of the basic layers and points of any Dial-Up Networking session, and is especially useful for monitoring PPP sessions. It is recorded and stored in the Windows directory.

To enable PPP logging

  1. In the Network option in Control Panel, double-click Microsoft Dial-Up Adapter in the list of installed network components.
  2. Click the Advanced tab. In the Property list, click the option named Record A Log File, and in the Value list, click Yes. Then click OK.
  3. Shut down and restart a computer for this option to take effect.

The following is sample content of a PPPLOG.TXT file:


09-01-1994 18:14:22  - Remote access driver log opened.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - Server type is  PPP (Point to Point Protocol).
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - CCP : Layer initialized.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - NBFCP : Layer initialized.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - FSA : Control protocol 2180 will not be 
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - IPXCP : Layer initialized.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - FSA : Encrypted Password required.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - LCP : Layer initialized.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - LCP : Will try to negotiate callback.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - LCP : Layer started.
09-01-1994 18:14:22  - LCP : Received and accepted ACCM of 0.