Becoming a Member of The Microsoft Network

Becoming a member of The Microsoft Network requires two easy steps:

The easiest way to install The Microsoft Network is to choose it in the Get Connected dialog box during Windows 95 Setup. Users can install it after Setup by using the Control Panel.

To install The Microsoft Network after Window 95 Setup

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
  2. Click the Windows Setup tab, and in the Components list click The Microsoft Network, and then click OK.

To become a member of The Microsoft Network

  1. Double-click The Microsoft Network icon on the Windows 95 desktop.
  2. In The Microsoft Network dialog box, click OK.
  3. The next signup box displays the three steps for signing up with The Microsoft Network. Click each button and type the appropriate information.
  4. In the user information signup box, type your name, address, and phone number.
  5. In the billing information signup box, type your payment method (credit card name), credit card number, and expiration date.

After users connect for the first time, they should click Member Assistance on MSN Central to read about the rules for participating in The Microsoft Network.