Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer is a powerful way to navigate The Microsoft Network content tree. A Windows Explorer window in The Microsoft Network contains folders and works the same as any Windows Explorer window in Windows 95 except in the following ways:

To use Windows Explorer in The Microsoft Network, right-click a folder or icon, and then click Explore.

In Windows Explorer users can find out the properties of a forum or folder, including the Name, Category, Rating, Go words, and price. A forum manager for The Microsoft Network can decide which properties can function as key words. Key words are a means of tagging content so that users can search for information within the service.

To view the properties for each forum


Shortcuts immediately take users to specific areas within The Microsoft Network. Users can drag and drop the shortcut to any Windows 95 folder, a word processing file, a bulletin board message, or any other OLE-compatible application. Double-clicking the shortcut will launch The Microsoft Network, log users on, and take users to the service that their shortcut referred to.

For information on creating shortcuts in Windows 95, see online Help.

Favorite Places

Favorite Places are similar to shortcuts in Windows 95, but are a special feature of The Microsoft Network. Users can use Windows Explorer to add a Favorite Places icon for a folder or forum to the Favorite Places folder in MSN Central. Unlike shortcuts, users can use Favorite Places icons only for services in The Microsoft Network, and can place them only the Favorite Places folder.

To add a service to the Favorite Places folder