Using Bulletin Boards

A bulletin board provides a place to exchange messages. Most bulletin boards are public, which means any member of The Microsoft Network can read them. Each bulletin board has a topic, such as scuba diving, computer graphics, or current events. Users post messages about the topics to do the following:

A thread is a collection of messages users can organize chronologically or hierarchically to reflect the flow of the discussion. Messages appear in a bulletin board in three possible default views:

Message views can be further sorted in each bulletin board according to their subject, author, size, or date.

To navigate through The Microsoft Network content tree to a bulletin board

  1. In MSN Central, click Categories.
  2. In the Categories window, choose a topic by double-clicking its icon.
  3. Continue to double-click icons to select subcategories until you are in the forum containing the bulletin board that interests you.
  4. In the forum window, double-click the bulletin board folder to see current messages.

To change the view of messages

To sort messages within a bulletin board