Using Windows 95 Telnet

Much of the information on the Internet is still available only if you use Telnet. Windows 95 provides a version of Telnet that you can run from the Start menu.

To run Telnet from the Start menu

  1. Click the Start menu, click Run and, then type telnet
  2. In Telnet, click the Connect menu, and then click Remote Session.
  3. In the Connect dialog box, type the host name of the Telnet site to which you want to connect to.
  4. In the Term Type box select a terminal mode. The default is VT-100.
  5. In the Port box, select a port. The default is Telnet.
  6. To start the Telnet session, click the Connect button.
  7. To capture data to a file, type terminal/start logging

For more information about using Telnet, see online Help.