Security for The Microsoft Network

The Microsoft Network security service authenticates and validates multiple members simultaneously logging on and off. The security service grants or denies members requests to log on and to use different areas of the service based on the rights assigned by The Microsoft Network database.

In addition, The Microsoft Network establishes and manages policies that govern what actions members can perform. This ensures the confidentiality of data and the value of transactions in The Microsoft Network

The member ID users choose when they sign up must be unique to The Microsoft Network. After a membership is terminated, The Microsoft Network does not reissue that member's member ID for 12 months to prevent confusion.

The Microsoft Network maintains a Client Negation record, which is a list of members who have been denied access for reasons of bad credit, repeated violations of The Microsoft Network rules, and so on. Members can also be excluded from individual forms for violations of rules. When users sign up, The Microsoft Network accounts database verifies that they are not on this list before approving their member IDs and passwords.