MSN Central

The primary way to enter The Microsoft Network is through MSN Central, which is the highest level of the content tree. MSN Central appears when users click the icon for The Microsoft Network. From MSN Central, users can choose the following services or tools.

Home Page Icon


MSN Today

Tells users what new information has been added to the service or what special events are occurring on The Microsoft Network specifically for that day. Users can click on the corresponding icons to go directly to the services.

Electronic Mail

Starts Microsoft Exchange, allowing users to send mail to and receive mail from members of The Microsoft Network, other users of a Microsoft Mail workgroup postoffice, and people on the Internet.

Favorite Places

Opens a Favorite Places folder where users can store shortcuts to their favorite bulletin boards and chat rooms.

Member Assistance

Contains a folder with rules and behavior guidelines, membership agreement, information about The Microsoft Network for new members, practice chats and bulletin boards, The Microsoft Network customer support, and other information.


Contains all the icons for the different forums offered by The Microsoft Network, such as Arts and Entertainment, Sports, and so on. A forum is a collection of services that include bulletin boards, chat rooms, and others. Clicking a forum icon opens a folder where icons for all services within the forum are displayed, including:

Bulletin boards to read and post messages

Chats to carry on live conversations

Kiosks to locate the subject matter of a forum and identify the forum manager

File libraries to download files