Becoming an Independent Content Provider (ICP)

By becoming an ICP, companies can sell products and services in a worldwide electronic marketplace that is accessible from the Windows 95 desktop.

ICPs conduct business on The Microsoft Network on a transaction basis and retain the majority of the revenues from these transactions. ICPs aren't limited in the ways in which they realize revenues for their services. Variable revenue and pricing models such as subscriptions, online transactions, advertising subsidies, and ticketed events are available at the provider's discretion. Providers Transactions can be of the following types:

To obtain information about becoming an ICP, call (800) 4MSNFAX or (800) 467-6329. You will receive by fax a summary of The Microsoft Network, a guide to formatting your business proposal, and a nondisclosure agreement. To receive this information by mail, please write:

The Microsoft Network
Department MSN19
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399